Online Google Books for Students and Kids

Online educational books for students and children's are easily available on internet on various subjects but hindi medium students face some difficulty to find the appropriate study material for informative and study related books. Especially books for little kids or junior students are not easily available in hindi. Apart from the school curriculum and text-books parents and teachers of the students want to provide some good books on various subjects including story books, historical books, books to improve the vocabulary, encyclopedia books and books to develop the reasoning and aptitude in child's. Its really a good practice to introduce the students to such literature to improve their skills and personality otherwise only reading textbooks and school education don't help more to development the brain and other necessary qualities whiting childs even such kind of education model distract students from the study and sometimes parents sometimes find themselves helpless to do anything for their growing children.

Here are some links of good educational books for young students collected from Google books project to provide free books online

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Get Free legal Advise in Hindi

Are you in a legal hassal? or facing a trial or someone is harrassing you. Are you in search of some advice related to legal matters? If you want the best suggestion related to law your search ends here.

Most of us sometimes have to face some problems and need legal guidence regarding it. We all are ruled by law according to our constitution and for some extent we all should have some knowledge related to it.
If we are going market and purchasing consumer products or going a restaurant for a meal and if we are getting treatment from a doctor then if we have got cheated we certainly have legal remedy under consumer law. You are a government servant or employee of a private company and your services has been terminated then you will have no option other than consulting a lawyer. Your relationship with spouse is breaking and you are in a matrimonial dispute then again you need a councel for best advise and handle your case. At each and every aspect of our life we face the matters and issues related to law and if we have a platform to discuss on it or have a consultant then we should take advantage of it.

Senior advocate dineshrai dwivedi from kota rajasthan is providing help to the people facing legal trouble since 2007 through his blog 'Teesara khamba'. The blog is also aimed to spread awareness about indian laws. It was initiated in 2007 and has been a great platform for its readers to gain knowledge and answers of their queries about legal issues. Legal literacy is becoming a urgent necessity for our society and more efforts are needed in this way because the efforts of our government and judiciary are not sufficient. Individual efforts like Mr. Dwivedi are really appreciable.

So if you have a question in mind or want to discuss something on law points you will definately get valuable assistance from Mr. Dineshrai dwivedi. He is not only a lawyer but also a good counceller too. You can post your question on his blog and get the best opinion. By Clicking the following URL you can visit Teesara Khamba blog.
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Hindi Satire and Humor from Google Books

Recently I was searching some jokes books in hindi on Google Books. I found some great Hindi Vyangya (satire) written by renowned authors Sharad Joshi, Gyan Chaturvedi, Yashwant Vyas and others. I have been the great admirer of Harishankar Parsai and Sharad Joshi and here on internet i got introduced with new age writers of hindi satire. Alok Puranik blog Agdam-Bagdam and Ashok Chakradhar are the favorite between hindi blog readers.

Here I am Sharing some links of google books on hindi satire, humor and jokes:

ज्ञान चतुर्वेदी की पुस्‍तक जो घर फूंके -

यशवंत व्‍यास का अब तक छप्‍पन -

शरद जोशी का यत्र तत्र सर्वत्र -

दीनानाथ मिश्र का पापी वोट के लिए -

रामेश्‍वरनाथ तिवारी का व्‍यंग्‍य संग्रह मुट्टन काका -

यशवंत कोठारी का नोटम नमामि -

प्रेमचंद स्‍वर्णकार का मीटिंग चालू आहे -

शरद जोशी का हम भ्रष्‍टन के भ्रष्‍ट हमारे -

विष्‍णु नागर का व्‍यंग्‍य देशसेवा का धंधा -

विष्‍णु नागर का व्‍यंग्‍य-संग्रह राष्‍ट्रीय नाक -

दीनानाथ मिश्र का हर हर व्‍यंग्‍ये -

आलोक पुराणिक का व्‍यंग्‍य नेता बनाम आलू -

ज्‍योतींद्र ह. दवे का हास्‍यं शरणं गच्‍छामि -

सुरेंद्र वर्मा का व्‍यंग्‍य कुर्सियां हिल रही हैं -

रमेशचंद्र महरोत्रा आ आड़ी टेढ़ी बात -

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Mahatma Gandhi University Offering MBA Course in Hindi

Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University, Wardha is a well-known Institution for hindi medium courses in various streams. It also offers professional and career-oriented courses in hindi. To fulfill the vision of national language hindi as mentioned in Constitution of India the university was established in 1997. Wardha has been known as a place of Gandhiji and have been witnessed the independence movement of India. It was the wish of gandhiji to establish hindi a national language and be identify as a international language. The university was established by the central government to fulfill this vision. This is a central university. It offers residential n distance learning courses through its study-centres all over in India.

University is offering various management courses in hindi through distance learning mode. MBA, BBA, Post Graduate Diploma in Management can be joined by students from hindi medium background. Thousands of students are studying by distance learning MBA in Marketing, HR, Finance, Production and Operation, Information System Management System etc. For joining the above courses students have to pass a written test. The study material is provided by university through post. Students can appear in written test at the centres all-over in India.
For more information visit the official website of university here-
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